Announcing your pregnancy to your mother

Before considering the way in which you want to tell to your mother the news, you should think about the timing: when to tell her that you are pregnant. Be patient and wait two or three months, just about the time it takes the embryo to settle. Once this period is over, you can safely announce your pregnancy to your mother.
In order to announce to your mother in an original way, you could offer her a little present in a coffee tin, but this may be perceived as a bit old-fashioned. That's why we strongly advise you to follow the suggestions on these pages, they will most certainly give you plenty of ideas to turn this event into a unique and emotional experience.
You still have a few months time to devise your perfect announcement, so do take your time to find out what you like. You can draw inspiration from one or several different ideas and create the most touching, memorable and original announcement possible: your mother will certainly adore it.