Announcing your pregnancy to your husband

Before considering the way in which you want to tell to your husband the news, you should think about the timing: when to tell him that you are pregnant. The answer is really simple, because the future father is the first one concerned, he should be told soon and before anybody else.
In order to make the day of your announcement unforgettable to you as a couple, you will find a lot of original and splendid ideas to give him the surprise of a lifetime. Because, after all, the announcement of a pregnancy to your husband really calls for a very special moment.
Whether this is your first pregnancy or not, the well-chosen suggestions on this website allow you to announce to your husband the happy news in an original way by creating a romantic, surprising, funny or creative setting. Later, you will have the fond memories of this important moment that you yourself created.
Take all the time your need, get inspired by one or even multiple ideas and make it the most personal, original, fantastic or marvelous as you wish: the future daddy will most certainly be moved. We also advise you to have your camera ready for this event (preparations first, emotions after!): later your child will be able to enjoy these emotions and memories with you, thanks to the pictures.